Too Complicated for Human Brains

Gary Indiana

From the World of Entertainment: Collages and Prints 1974–2014

Gallery Review, Envoy Enterprises


I found that the key to judging his work was to read it as you would characters, plot, and scene. It’s not conceptual; it’s anecdotal. Of the video, which is the most recent work in the show, Indiana said, ‘I feel very much that that’s a piece of my writing.’ In Havana, a man is being soaked through by a sudden downpour. Deranged by drugs or crisis, he moves as if his whole body is fixed on spitting something out, but the narrative details of his soliloquy don’t make it up to the window from which Indiana shoots. Though unedited in one six-minute take, the angle captures his swinging body in a way that cuts and changes it.