Collaging Art History in the Kitchen

Jed Devine, Benrubi Gallery

gallery review


Jed Devine, “Untitled (Looking at You)” (2013), archival pigment ink print, 34″ x 24″

Jed Devine, “Untitled (Looking at You)” (2013), archival pigment ink print, 34″ x 24″

Teetering between the accidental and associative, these images are special in the way they skim the silly and thoughtless while in fact being rigorously arranged. It’s no surprise that all the references that spring to mind when looking at Devine’s work are painters and collagists: Kurt Schwitters for the patchwork energy, Salvador Dalí for the radiant crispness, Robert Rauschenberg for the integration of art with life’s objects. If the array of books here presents a library of Devine’s influences, he seems to feel more kinship with the Old Masters and modern painters than any photographer. He’s drawn to the characters of art history, and the dramas that unfold when they interact.